Statement by the UN LGBTI Core Group

Delivered by H.E. VANESSA FRASIER, Permanent Representative of MALTA to the UN in New York

JULY 15, 2024


I have the honor to make this statement on behalf of the Member States of the UN LGBTI Core Group, an informal cross regional group established in 2008. [1]

The overarching goal of the UN LGBTI Core Group in New York is to work within the United Nations framework on ensuring universal respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, specifically lesbian, gay bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) persons, with a particular focus on protection from violence and discrimination.

Our group has consistently called for concrete action that promotes and protects the full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms of all LGBTI persons. The future we have envisioned with the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals is not possible if violence and multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression or sex characteristics, persist. The time for change is now. We cannot wait any longer.


We have already had extensive discussions on the necessity of accelerating efforts to achieve the sustainable development goals. Last year, during the SDG Summit, we reaffirmed that the Sustainable Development Goals seek to realize the human rights of all. With that purpose in mind, we need to guide actions to end inequalities and address their root structural causes, through an intersectional approach.

It is time for Member States, international organizations, the UN system and all other stakeholders to take responsibility and boost concrete actions. Accordingly, we call for the fight against discriminatory attitudes, gender stereotypes and negative social norms that discriminate against and undermine respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all LGBTI persons. LGBTI human rights defenders and civil society organizations have long played a role in advancing human rights and equality, for the benefit of all. We call for the promotion and implementation of inclusive policies that address the needs of persons in all their diversity, and to foster the full and meaningful participation of LGBTI persons in decision-making processes on an equal footing at all levels of society. Diversity and inclusion are fundamental pillars to achieve a sustainable development that truly leaves no one behind.

The UN LGBTI Core Group will continue to contribute constructively to the High Level Political Forum, highlighting the importance of implementing policies that effectively respect, promote and protect the full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all LGBTI persons. In this way, we hope that this Forum and this year’s Summit of the Future will effectively serve as spaces for building a more inclusive, just, and sustainable world for all, where no one is left behind, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity and expressions or sex characteristics. Our future and that of future generations, depends on it.

Thank you.

[1] The group is co-chaired by Argentina and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and includes Albania, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Honduras, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Mexico, Nepal, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Peru, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Timor Leste, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, Uruguay, the European Union, as well as the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the non-governmental organizations Human Rights Watch and Outright International.